12 Best Simple Home Maintenance Tips

Simple DIY Home Maintenance

Home Maintenance

Regular Home Repair and Maintenance: 

All too often the annual home maintenance and repair needs are neglected or forgotten all together with our busy day to day schedules.  Based on our experience with home inspections we have compiled a simple list of the most common home maintenance items often pushed to the side.  Items listed below as reference for all the DIY homeowners out there.

  1. Watch for any water intrusion and address immediately.
  2. Watch for any development of mold and remedy.
  3. Know where the shut-off is for the main water line and electrical service.
  4.  Check and replace smoke and CO safety devices regularly per manufacturer recommendations.
  5. Clean or replace filters regularly in dishwasher, washing machine, dryer, water filtration and HVAC systems.
  6. Clean and maintain dryer exhaust to the outside of the home.
  7. Flush and clean out hot water tank or on-demand system.
  8. Clean out gutters and downspouts and verify proper drainage away from property.
  9. Lubricate garage door springs and mechanical hardware.
  10. Caulk and seal around exterior doors and windows.
  11. Test the sump pump if installed.
  12. Be aware of rodent or insect infestation and correct.

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